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Viva La Raya

 By Brandon Rennick
My buddy from Chiropractic school who I have been spending literally everyday with here in Lima. "Viva La Raya" was something that I learned about through him and I absolutely loved it. It's a movement that truly embodies the meaning of life. I wear a bracelet myself now. 

Viva La Raya is a philosophy of life. It is a phrase that translates to Live your dash.
 The dash that I’m speaking of is the one found on your tombstone between your birth date and your death date, and with all of its significance it is commonly overlooked… Yet, It signifies all that you have lived, loved, traveled, experienced, and all the amazing relationships you made along the way. It’s the definition of YOU. So to “live your dash” is to live your life to the absolute fullest, without regrets and to define yourself by the experiences you have had, the relationships you’ve made and the everlasting memories your journey created. So, “live your dash” each and every day of your life, because we are not promised tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I love this.. "Live you dash" its creative and fun and real. Everyone looks at the dash as insignificant as though the dates born and died are the most relevant. Yet ppl remember you, honor, you and respect you for what you've done or haven't done in the "dash" time. "Viva La Raya"
