Follow me on Instagram: Rosh305

The REAL Tupac

I came across a street the other day in Lima called Tupac Amaru. Of all the names in the world, I was a bit shocked to see this here in Lima. My mind had automatically placed the street name in conjunction with the only Tupac that was of...

Feb 201326

The NEW New York Knicks

By Christopher Ortiz Close friend, sports enthusiast, & die-hard Knicks fan.  Has anybody seen the New York Knicks this year? If not you must be living under a rock! Let’s take a brief moment and look back at the 2012 season for a moment shall we? The Knicks...

Feb 201305

The Land of Reggaeton

Reggaeton is huge here in Lima. These are a few of the hottest tracks that I've come across. They play these songs non-stop. Enjoy.  ...

Feb 201303

Week in Trujillo | Adjusting At The Beach

We were at Huanchaco Beach in Trujillo for 3 days adjusting all the pro surfers during the long board competition. Below are some pics of us at the beach setting up, adjusting, and hanging with some of the surfers.  Dr. Chris, Dr. Lindz, Me, and Brandon I think...

Jan 201328

Viva La Raya

 By Brandon Rennick My buddy from Chiropractic school who I have been spending literally everyday with here in Lima. "Viva La Raya" was something that I learned about through him and I absolutely loved it. It's a movement that truly embodies the meaning of life. I wear a...

Jan 201325

A Glimpse of Peru

A view of Miraflores from my buddy's apartment.  La Lucha is a really good sandwich joint I went to. Tons of sauces and great papas fritas. "Chicha Morada" - This is a really popular drink here in Peru that's made from purple corn, cinnamon, clove, and sugar. "Picarones"...

Jan 201325

Fabolous | So NY | New Music Video

Fabolous | So NY | New Music Video ...

Jan 201323

The Best Ceviche in El Mundo

I would say the signature dish in all of Peru is ceviche. For those of you who do not know, it's a Latin American dish made of up of raw fish and seafood that is marinated in citrus juice(lime & lemon). The fish is not actually cooked in...

Jan 201322

First Day in Lima

My first day in Lima was amazing. It was everything I expected and more. I live in a beautiful house in Surco, which is a district within Lima. The neighborhood is very nice, clean, and it is walking distance from Starbucks. Everything you see in the states is...

Jan 201318

A Matter of Music

By Vani Lalwani Vani is a fellow music lover and friend who oversees all financial transactions and resource allocation for Fuel Group, LLC. She accumulated a diverse array of business experience through her work at companies such as MKG Productions, Westfiled LLC, and Sony BMG Music Entertainment. In...

Jan 201316

Battle Of The Imports

By Brian Joseph Car enthusiast, cousin, & your direct source to the newest and hottest updates on the automotive industry.  Imports or domestic cars?  I personally like both markets; each market has its own style to contribute to the automobile industry. For 2013 manufactures are bringing out new...

Jan 201315

MM: Maloney's Musings Vol. 1

By Brendan Maloney A long time friend & movie enthusiast who will be contributing occasionally about film Anytime, anywhere seems to be the objective of all major media these days. The number of outlets audiences can consume their favorite films, music, tv and various other media has been...

Jan 201315