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The REAL Tupac

I came across a street the other day in Lima called Tupac Amaru. Of all the names in the world, I was a bit shocked to see this here in Lima. My mind had automatically placed the street name in conjunction with the only Tupac that was of any relevance in my mind, Tupac Shakur. Most of us in states are familiar with the name Tupac Amaru Shakur because of the legendary hip hop artist who is considered one of the greatest rappers of all time. What many people fail to realize is that this famous figure in American hip hop culture is actually named after an even more notable hero here in Peru.

Tupac Amaru II was a revolutionary leader who led the indigenous uprising against the Spaniards in Peru. He fought for Peruvian independence and had a true passion for reform. I was reading a book recently that talked about his execution that took place in a Lima public square. The book stated that, “His tongue was torn out and he was pulled apart by horses until he looked like a spider; and this did not kill him. His hands and feet were then cut off, after which the various elements remaining of his body were put to flames.”

His death was a a significant moment in Peruvian history and his martyrdom helped many other groups to rise up against the Spanish throughout the Americas. To this day, there are other revolutionary groups in Latin America that have adopted his name/brand for their purposes in opposing oppressive regimes.

Knowing the history behind the original Tupac Amaru truly gave me insight; not only about a Peruvian hero but a true visionary. His name is deeply rooted into the culture of Peru and South America in general. The irony that such a recognizable name, could have two completely different correlations among various cultures is amazing. Both Tupac Amaru II and Tupac Amaru Shakur are legends in their own right. One was a historical figure whose impact was evident generations after, while the other was a leading voice in the culture of hip hop. The next time you hear the name Tupac Amaru, remember the history behind that name. It goes deep....